Employee Spotlight John Pearson

JOHN PEARSON · Superintendent

What is your earliest memory of building something?
In high school shop class, I built a wooden toolbox that I still use to this day!

Is there anyone in particular that has impacted your career in construction?
Without a doubt my grandfather, Ray Cook. He was an incredible master craftsman and I am truly grateful he recommended I attend apprenticeship school and join the Union back in 1999.

What would you tell a young professional aspiring to become a superintendent?
Ask questions. You aren’t expected to know everything, and it is important to continue learning. Surround yourself with experience and soak in as much as you possibly can. It is also important to be a good leader. As a superintendent, people are looking at you, therefore do the right thing even when no one is looking.

What does Beyond What’s Expected mean to you?
To me, going Beyond What’s Expected means to take the absolute best care of our clients regardless of the situation at hand, deliver a polished product and develop relationships that last well into the future.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This one is tough because everyone loves food. However, I would have to say a big plate of buttery scallops with Old Bay.

What is your Why?
My reason to working safely each and every day is my family, my wife Michelle, and two sons, Johnny and Kevin.